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A member registered Mar 09, 2020

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(1 edit)

I don't remember seeing this in the public build. Is it in there yet or like Black Rose III still not? I think I could be done with v 4.11b then except for building up stats, money and the scene with Emily on day 75 or so.

Edit: Went back to  day 17 I think and bought my first gem from quartermaster. Went o library and talked to Olivia. The next day when I went to Uni I didn't see Katie but but  got a message that something was going on in DGN1 so I went in and rescued Molly from the Tentaku so even though Katie didn't tell me about getting someone into DGN1 I think I completed this event.


This is related to Black Rose 1. Playing v 4.11b and have done Black Rose 1 & 2 but can't seem to trigger Black Rose 3. I have the rose sitting on my desk in my room and can highlight it but only get the message "I wonder what I can do with it". If it's like 1 & 2 it should be used on Jenny in the coffee shop. I have started to use cntrl J to play from Day 60 to Day 73 and keep getting other events as I go for the 50 ingredients for the diamond gem.

Thanks. Didn't think of that. So I just have to be careful to not use it on the small fries on the path. It is one very mean gem for sure. 

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Works like a charm now. This is the wrong place for this question I know. Once you give Bella the fire gem and you have her use it can you acquire another one or is it a onetime use gem?

Thanks again. That's what I was hoping. I am guessing I can just keep repeating this until I get tired of doing it or am satisfied with what I have.

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Alright I loaded a save from Day 49 and played to Day 53 night, gained some cash and gems from going down the path 2x. Will it keep my cash and gem gains if I reset to Day 49 or 50 so I can increase cash and gems. I also went from level 2 I think to level 5 or 6. Will I lose those if I play from an earlier day also? I did save my game at Wednesday night so if I wait till Chapter 4 comes out I have a good starting point by going back to Wednesday night.

Edit: Bedtime so will look for reply tomorrow. Thanks again.

Sorry for the follow up. Got the debug menu up and tried to figure out what variable to do a jump  back. I have enough saves to go back to almost day I want to replay so I can learn more about what to do. Then just stop at end of Wednesday and do again. At least until I have earned enough money that makes me happy. I did notice that I think I can just change my cash in the debug menu but takes the fun out of it.

Thanks. My purpose in jumping back is to replay some days trying to increase my money and gems now that I have figured out how to work with the gems in my gem inventory. Will see what you are talking about but this isn't the only game I've played thhat animations or other things don't make sense.

I can't find the "Jump to Day". Is it because I finished Act III instead of stopping on Wednesday night?